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Clear Aligners in Columbus, OH

 4th St. Dental Studio

Compassion · Care · Comfort

Prioritizing oral health & restoring your beautiful smile


Clear Aligners in Columbus, OH

A great smile truly goes a long way. It provides confidence, improved self-esteem, and enhanced opportunities in professional and personal situations. It can even improve the mood of yourself and those around you. However, when considering corrective measures, traditional braces can have their drawbacks, namely visibility, and maintenance. 4th St. Dental Studio invites you to consider an alternative. Clear aligners. 

What Are Clear Aligners?

Clear aligners are an alternative to traditional braces, working in much the same way. They are made of a strong, plastic material that is molded to fit over your teeth. They work to slowly, with gradual force, move your teeth to their desired position. This is all done without metal wires and brackets, as they are designed to not stand out against your teeth. 

Are Clear Aligners Effective?

Absolutely! Clear aligners offer a more discrete method of correcting and perfecting a smile, but they work just as well as traditional braces. 

How Long Does It Take for Teeth Aligners to Work?

Each case is different, depending on how complex a situation is. Generally speaking, most cases take between twelve and eighteen months. The good news is, you’ll likely be the only one aware you’re wearing the invisible dental aligners. The first step of the process is to consult with a dentist to create your patient profile. You’ll then be given a 3D scan of your teeth, and often an x-ray. This information will then be used to generate your clear aligner trays. The corrections may require anywhere from six to forty-eight sets of aligners, which determines the length of treatment. 

How Do Clear Aligners Work?

As we briefly mentioned before, clear aligners slowly apply pressure to move teeth to their desired position. There are essential two phases to the process. The first phase is the active treatment phase. In this phase, the invisible dental aligners will begin to apply pressure to your teeth, often starting in a certain section of your mouth to allow your teeth to grow accustomed to the shifting that will occur. Every two weeks, you will then swap your aligners out for a new pair. This new pair has been molded to account for how your teeth have changed, and then made to encourage your teeth to change slightly more. This continues throughout the entire active phase of the process. Once you have completed your active aligner trays, you will then enter the second phase, called the passive healing phase. This process is slightly different, as force will no longer be applied, as the shifting has finished. Instead, the tray will fit perfectly over your teeth, and will ensure they do not begin to move back to their original position. Think of it as similar to muscle memory. The length of this phase is dependent on your unique situation. 


Do I have to Wear My Aligners All the Time?

You do need to almost always wear your teeth aligners. You only take them out to brush your teeth, to clean the aligners, and to eat. You’ll likely forget you’re even wearing them.


How Long Does It Take for Teeth Aligners to Work?

Each case is different, depending on how complex a situation is. Generally speaking, most cases take between twelve and eighteen months. The good news is, you’ll likely be the only one aware you’re wearing the invisible dental aligners. The first step of the process is to consult with a dentist to create your patient profile. You’ll then be given a 3D scan of your teeth, and often an x-ray. This information will then be used to generate your clear aligner trays. The corrections may require anywhere from six to forty-eight sets of aligners, which determines the length of treatment. 

Invisalign Smile at 4th Street Dental Studio in Columbus OH

Need clear aligners?

What Kinds of Conditions Can Invisible Dental Aligners Treat?

Clear aligners are a great option to treat the following conditions:

  • Crowding
  • Spacing
  • Rotated Teeth
  • Other types of malocclusions, which refers to the misalignment of the teeth, dependent on the case. 

What Are the Benefits of Clear Aligners? 

Have we mentioned no one will be able to tell you’re wearing them? This is not the only benefit, however. You’ll also:

  • Never have to change your diet, as you remove your clear aligners when you eat.
  • Have a simple oral hygiene routine, as you also take them off to brush your teeth. You’ll clean your aligners separately, once a day with lukewarm water. Ensure you’re brushing after every meal, which you would ideally do regardless.
  • Have fewer trips to the dentist. While you’ll still have to make appointments to check the progress of your treatment, you change your aligners yourself.
  • Have less discomfort than traditional braces. Tightening those brackets and applying the rubber bands can hurt!

Clear aligners are a great alternative to traditional braces. Don’t write them off as an option just because you think your case may be difficult. Robert D. Wood, ll, DDS, at 4th St. Dental Studio, is confident he can help you finally obtain an award-winning smile and improve your self-confidence. Book an appointment today, or contact us for any additional information.

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