(614) 310-4373

Tooth Extractions in Columbus

4th Street Dental

Compassion · Care · Comfort

Prioritizing oral health & restoring your beautiful smile

Having a tooth removed isn’t something that anyone looks forward to, but it’s a dental procedure that must sometimes take place in order to restore the health and well-being of one’s mouth. If you’re suffering from a painful, infected, or severely damaged tooth, tooth extraction may be in your future. Fortunately, Dr. Wood and the experienced team at 4th Street Dental are here to make the process as comfortable and convenient as possible. Here’s everything you should know before pulling a tooth.

Why Would You Need to Have a Tooth Pulled?

There are numerous reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted, but the two most common are

  • Decay: A tooth that cannot be saved from a large cavity
  • Fracture: A tooth that is broken or cracked and beyond repair.

Is a Tooth Extraction Painful?

For most patients, tooth extraction is not painful. Dr. Wood will carefully numb the surrounding area of your mouth before the procedure. If necessary, patients can be given a sedative or put to sleep for the procedure, however, this would require a referral to an oral surgeon.

Can You Leave a Dead Tooth in Your Mouth?

While you can leave a dead tooth in your mouth, it’s never a good idea. If left untreated, dead teeth can lead to more serious problems later, such as dental pain or infection spreading throughout your body. For this reason, Dr. Wood provides a personalized treatment plan that will best address the specific needs of your mouth if you have a dead tooth.

Is There an Alternative to Tooth Extraction?

If the damaged tooth can be saved, an alternative option to an extraction is a root canal. If the damaged tooth is hopeless and cannot be saved, the only options are a 3-unit bridge or an implant.

4th Street Dental Studio in Columbus OH

Experiencing Severe Tooth Pain?

What Are the Side Effects of Losing a Tooth?

After your tooth removal, your teeth can and will start shifting. The teeth on the opposite sides and above the space where the tooth was extracted will try to close in the space from the missing tooth, which can cause other issues that will need to be addressed in the future. For this reason, most patients who have one or more teeth extracted undergo further restorative dental treatments, such as a bridge or implant. Dr. Wood can help you decide which restorative dental options can best suit your needs to preserve your oral health after losing a tooth.

What Can I Expect During & After My Tooth Extraction?

Prior to your tooth removal, Dr. Wood will give you a shot of local anesthetic to numb the surrounding area. If your tooth is infected, he may have to remove the gum and bone tissue that surround it. Then, he will gently hold onto the tooth and shift it back and forth until he can remove it from your jaw bone. Once the tooth has been removed, Dr. Wood will secure the area with gauze and have you bite down on it to stop the bleeding. In some circumstances, dissolvable stitches may also be used.

 A typical recovery usually lasts one or two days. During the first 24 hours, it’s best to:

  • Rest
  • Put an ice pack on your face to prevent swelling or relieve pain
  • Take Tylenol or Advil for pain
  • Not drink from a straw
  • Eat soft foods, such as soup or yogurt



Having a damaged tooth removed may not be fun, but it’s a routine procedure that is safe and greatly improve your quality of life if you are experiencing tooth pain. Dr. Wood’s top priority is providing each of his patients with compassionate care and top-of-the-line techniques to keep their smiles healthy and strong. Call 4th Street Dental today to schedule your consultation and to learn more about your options.

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